Bologna University (UniBo) brings to the consortium expertise in three research areas as a result of involvement of researchers from the departments of mathematics (MAT), physics and astronomy (DIFA), Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (DICAM) and agricultural and food sciences (DAFS). The expertise includes: algorithms development, properties of porous systems and combined knowledge in food properties and nutrition (Foodomics).

Dr. Francesco Capozzi – Full Professor of Chemistry, at the Alma Mater University of Bologna in Cesena, Leader of the Bio-NMR Group at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (Italy).
He is an expert in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and a pioneer of the Foodomics approach, which studies food systems, as a whole with nutrition, to develop strategies aimed at optimizing human health. He carries out research aimed at identifying molecular descriptors to define food composition and structure, through holistic algorithms developed on spectroscopic and relaxometric data. The research pays particular attention to the definition of food quality, stability and traceability criteria, as well as the bioaccessibility of nutrients based on in-vitro digestibility.